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New Windows: They Saved My Bank Account

I have to admit that I am very frugal, but I have to be with my large family. When heating and air-conditioning bills were just becoming too much to bear, I finally caved in and bought new windows that I was told were more energy-efficient. They weren't as expensive as I thought they would be, which was great news. I had them installed just before winter began, and I received the lowest heating bill for the month of November that I had received in years! I was so happy that I had those windows installed, especially after being so hesitant to spend the cash on them. I created this blog to help other frugal people like me realize that sometimes spending money on home improvements really does pay off in the long run! I am now looking into new home insulation to save even more cash!


New Windows: They Saved My Bank Account

The Care And Maintenance Of An Outdoor Water Fountain

by Michelle Davidson

Outdoor decor water fountains are a great addition to any residential garden or yard. It can be was simple as a few cascading pots of water to a formal array of dancing water in several connected pools. Fish and waterborne plants can thrive in a well-maintained outdoor water fountain and add unique beauty to your garden. In order to keep your outdoor water fountain in peak condition, you must clean and maintain it in the following ways:

  • Water - Check your fountain each day for evaporation and replenish any water that has been lost. To prevent hard water build up, only use distilled water in your fountain. Keep the water in your fountain deep enough to fully submerge your water pump. This will extend the life of the water pump. 
  • Cleaning - An outdoor water fountain needs to be thoroughly cleaned about every four to six months. To clean a fountain, remove all water and wash all surfaces with a soft cloth, detergent, and a scrub brush. Rinse all washed surfaces with plenty of water to remove all traces of detergent. Locate the water pump and take it apart and clean it with soapy water. After a thorough cleaning, refill your fountain with distilled water.  
  • Mold, Mildew, and Algae - To avoid the buildup of mold, mildew, and algae, treat the water in your fountain every other week with a drop of bleach for every gallon of fountain water. On the alternate weeks when you are not using bleach, treat the water in your fountain with an aquarium water clarifier. This will also clear any cloudy dirt, oils, and sediment in the fountain water. 
  • Sealant - If your fountain is made of stone or ceramic, apply a coat of clear epoxy sealant every two to three years. Apply the sealant after the fountain has been thoroughly cleaned, dried and decalcified. You can decalcify your fountain by scraping all stone or ceramic surfaces with a single-edge razor blade to remove any hard calcification.  
  • Fish - If you have included fish in your outdoor water fountain, continually observe them for fish diseases and infections. Some symptoms to look for include open wounds, bulging eyes, cotton-like growths on fins, swollen gills, raised scales, odd floating behavior, and any other physical or behavioral changes. These symptoms can indicate serious conditions that result in death. There are treatments available to help cure fish diseases if you catch them early enough. Contact your local pet store or fish veterinarian for advice if you observe any noticeable changes in your fish. 

An outdoor water fountain can be a true pleasure in your garden. The sound of splashing and cascading waters can block unwanted noises and conversations from the immediate vicinity. The sight of birds and squirrels attracted by your fountain can be great entertainment. Once you install an outdoor fountain in your yard, you will wonder how you ever got along without one. 
